800-Word Essay

Determining the number of pages for an essay may not be easy. Several factors determine the page length of your essay. If you wondering how many pages is 800 words, you need to consider some factors.

What Determines an Essay’s Length?

Factors such as the font size, layout, and even font style can determine the length of an 800-word essay.

  • Font size

Typing your essay in font 12 will give you a different result from typing it in font 14. The font size determines the number of pages. The lesser the font size, the tinier the words, and the fewer the number of lines and pages.

On the other hand, if your point increases, the font looks bigger and the essay will take up more pages. The standard font size is 12 for either Times New Roman or Arial.

  • The Margins

Your page layout will influence the number of pages of your essay. To answer the question of how many pages is an 800-word essay, you should check the layout. If the margin is big, it will mean a smaller space for the word. The words will have to spill over into more pages. Likewise, if the margin is small, there will be more space for the words and the essay will take fewer pages.

  • Font Style

In practice, different font styles have different sizes. Arial has a bigger x-height than Times New Roman, although they take the same pages. The font style can determine the number of pages your essay will take.

  • Line spacing

Another factor that can significantly affect an 800-word essay length is the line spacing. With different line spacing comes different essay length. If you are wondering how many pages is 800 words single-spaced, you should be looking at 1⅗ pages with a 12-pt font on A4 paper size.

For how many pages is 800 words double-spaced, the answer will be 3⅕ pages for an A4 size paper and Times New Roman or Arial font. If you are meant to write an 800-word essay, ensure to check out the settings and other necessary factors.

How Long It Takes to Write a 800-Words Essay?

The estimate time depends on how well did you plan your work and how fast do you type. On average, it takes about 2 hours and a half to write a 800-word paper. However, it can take you much more time to complete the essay if the topic is hard to research.


It may not be easy to answer the question, how long is an 800-word essay or how many pages it will take. Factors like the line spacing, font size and style, and the layout will determine the pages of your 800-word essay. You should consider these factors if you want to achieve a certain number of pages.