750-Word Essay

The length of a 750-word essay depends on the font size, the font type, and more. For example, imagine using a font size of 14 with Times New Roman and double spacing; how many pages is 750 words then? A 750-word essay under those conditions would be at least ten pages.

How Long is a 750-Word Essay?

“How long is a 750-word essay” is a question we’ve heard over and over from the mouths of students. Students often ask these questions because aside from the main instruction, “write a 750-word essay on…” the assignment comes with no other instruction.

A 750-word essay can be as short as one and a half pages and as long as three pages or more. It all depends on what you’re writing about and what the instructions are, among other things. Here are some common questions as answers addressing the length and format of a 750-word essay to ease your writing.

  • How long is a 750-word essay? – It would be three pages if single-spaced and twice as large if double-spaced, if handwritten. A 750-word essay will be one and a half pages single-spaced if typed.
  • How long is a 750word essay double-spaced? – double-spaced, a 750-word essay would be twice as much as a single-spaced 750-word essay; that is, three pages. Sometimes, your teachers may ask you to make the essay double-spaced to make reading it easier. This type of spacing also makes editing, commenting, and giving feedback on the essay easier.
  • How long is a 750-word essay single-spaced? – if single-spaced and typed with 12-font size Times New Roman, it’d be one and a half pages
  • How long is a 750-word essay MLA? – it is 1.5 pages single-spaced and three pages double-spaced.

Normally, a page with double-spacing would contain 250 words and 500 words with single spacing. A 750-word essay with either of these spacing and a good format would be about 3.75 to 7.5 paragraphs at least and 15 at most.

The more the number of paragraphs, the easier it would be to read an essay. In every essay, a paragraph should typically have 100 to 200 words. Approximately that is 5 to 6 sentences with 15 to 20 words in each sentence.  As such, there would be about 37 to 50 sentences in a 750-word essay.

How Long Would It Take You to Write a 750-Word Essay?

For an average person, with research, it would take about 2 hours 20 minutes to write a 750-word essay; without research, 37.5 minutes. However, this number greatly depends on many factors, including how fast you type. For instance, if you’re not fast in typing, you would take longer writing a 750-word essay. Other factors include how well you researched and planned before writing the 750-word essay.

Making Your 750-Word Essay Striking


A 750-word essay, like every other essay, begins with an introduction to your thesis or argument. The introduction of a 750-word essay should occupy one paragraph, about 50 to 75 words, and approximately 3 to 4 sentences. Your introduction should contain one sentence strongly stating your thesis; you have to choose your words carefully here. The remaining two to three sentences are general statements surrounding your thesis; they set the tone for the rest of the essay.


The next part is the body of the 750-word essay; this should normally be about 550 to 600 words. As such, there should be 5 to 6 paragraphs in the body of your 750-word essay. With each paragraph having up to 5 sentences, there would be about 25 to 30 sentences in the body paragraph of the essay. Each sentence in the body paragraphs should be defended and provide strong backing for your thesis.


The final part is the conclusion; this aspect is like a call-to-action and, therefore, should be more than just a summary. Your conclusion should be your selling point: the sentence that’ll break the camel’s back – metaphorically speaking. It should be strong enough to convince someone who’s been in doubt all through your essay. It should also be about 50 to 75 words, approximately 3 to 4 sentences.

In conclusion, if you’re writing an essay for a scholarship, a 750-word essay usually means a 750 words in your paper essay – no more, no less. In this case, you may be able to ask for clarifications on aspects, including the number of pages and font size. However, it is easier if your teacher gave you the assignment; in such a case, asking for more clarifications wouldn’t hurt.